
Wir sind ein LeBag-Team. Unsere größte Innovation ist die LeBag Falttasche. Wir haben diese Tasche entwickelt, um den Menschen zu mehr Ordnung zu verhelfen und den Einsatz umweltschädlicher Plastiktüten zu reduzieren. Diese Tasche ist umweltfreundlich und praktisch, da sie leicht in eine Tasche oder Tasche gefaltet werden kann, aber immer dabei ist, wenn Sie sie brauchen.

Alle unsere Produkte werden vor dem Versand an Sie einer strengen Qualitätsprüfung unterzogen!
Mit Liebe, LeBag-Team!

"My friend Max and I were brainstorming one day when an incredible idea struck us to create maps of national parks that will become unforgettable gifts."

We are a team of nature lovers and adventurers, gathering under the stars by the lake, filled with enthusiasm and a desire to share our passion for exploration. Imagining how to make our adventures even more exciting and memorable, we came up with the idea of making wooden maps of National Parks in the United States and Canada.

These maps are not just pieces of hand-carved wood – they offer a special way to mark the places we have already visited.

But that's not all! We felt that our maps could be a wonderful gift for our loved ones – partners, parents, or even friends.

Some photos from workshop

Why LEMAP’s Wooden World Map Is a Must-Have

Top-tier craftsmanship

Buy the best in unique and individual handmade decorative items!

Unmatched Quality

Treat yourself to high-quality and realistic wooden wall decor with a park map

Free Delivery

Enjoy free shipping on all orders totaling $50 USD or more

10K+ satisfied clients

More than 10000 satisfied customers have already used our services

Lifetime warranty

All of our wooden maps are made with the utmost attention to detail